AI Business Productivity Workshop at Hilton Colombo

Thrilled to have conducted an insightful AI Business Productivity Workshop at Hilton Colombo! Engaging discussions and a fantastic learning environment. Special thanks to all participants for their enthusiasm. Let’s empower businesses with AI!



Singapore AI Technology Meetup

Singapore AI technology Monthly meetup –

Unleash the power of ChatGPT

AI for Business workshop

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for business refers to the integration of AI technologies and techniques into various aspects of business operations to enhance efficiency, decision-making, and overall performance. AI enables machines or computer systems to mimic and perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and pattern recognition.


Our recent workshop was conducted for JAT Holding PLC.

Tech 101 at Bluechip Technologies Asia


2022 Event

Bluechip Technologies Asia @ ICT SPRING EUROPE 2021

Bluechip Technologies Asia take part in Luxembourg ICT SPRING EUROPE 2021

As an influential voice in the worldwide Tech community,  the aim of ICT Spring is to encourage emulation and networking between business decisions makers, innovation managers, startups,  researchers and venture capitalists on a European scale. It is a yearly event held in Luxembourg City which is dedicated to exhibiting and demonstrating the latest relevant trends and innovations and discuss their impact on society and the working world.

ICT Spring


Online IT Academy.


New way of learning for IT.

#AI #Mobile #Blockchain #Cloud #DevOps #BI #ICT #Games
#Office #Networking #Linux #Web #Infrastructure #Programming
#CyberSecurity #UX #VR

Data Science Solution on Azure Online Singapore Training.


Recently I had conducted Azure Data Science solution online training. Following topics covered at the training.

Module 1: Introduction to Azure Machine Learning
Module 2: No-Code Machine Learning with Designer
Module 3: Running Experiments and Training Models
Module 4: Working with Data
Module 5: Compute Contexts
Module 6: Orchestrating Operations with Pipelines
Module 7: Deploying and Consuming Models
Module 8: Training Optimal Models
Module 9: Interpreting Models
Module 10: Monitoring Models



Around 20 participants attended the training.

Docker Fundamentals training at Singapore.

Docker Fundamentals training at Singapore.

Recently I did Docker Fundamentals training at NTUC Singapore.

About the course-

This is introductory Docker course to give your team the best foundation for enterprise-grade Docker use-cases. The Docker Fundamentals training course features the foundational concepts and practices of containerization on a single Docker node. The course offers learners the opportunity to assimilate basic container orchestration and how to scale Docker across multiple nodes in a simple swarm cluster. This course provides essential foundational knowledge for subsequent Docker courses.

I covered following topics at the training.

The Docker Story

Introduction to Images

Creating Images

System Commands

Docker Networking Basics

Docker Compose

Scaling out with Swarm Mode and Kubernetes

Managing Secrets

Docker Fundamentals training at Singapore.

Docker Fundamentals training at Singapore.

Docker Fundamentals training at Singapore.

4 Software developers attended 3 Days of Docker training.

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) training at Bank of Ceylon (BOC).

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) training with MSMQ at Bank of Ceylon (BOC).

Recently I did 4 Days Dotnet Windows Communication Foundation training at Bank of Ceylon (BOC).

I covered following topics at the training.

Introduction to WCF
Developing WCF Service Application and Client
Endpoints in configuration file
Channel Stacks & Bindings in WCF
Understanding Service and Data Contracts
Handling WCF Exceptions/Faults
Message Exchange Patterns
Microsoft Message Queue

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) training at Bank of Ceylon (BOC).

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) training at Bank of Ceylon (BOC) 2

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) training at Bank of Ceylon (BOC)3

Five IT Staff at BOC attended 4 days of training.

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) training at Bank of Ceylon (BOC)4

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) training at Bank of Ceylon (BOC)5

For Training Requirement Contact-