Reinforcement Learning session at Smart Data Forum

Reinforcement Learning is transforming industries and reshaping how machines learn from their environment. Join me as we delve into key concepts, real-world applications, and the future of this cutting-edge technology.




Singapore AI Technology Meetup

Singapore AI technology Monthly meetup –

Unleash the power of ChatGPT

Tech 101 at Bluechip Technologies Asia


2022 Event

Bluechip Technologies Asia Year end Monthly meeting

year end meeting

Year end meetup at Bluechip Technologies Asia. With team of 45 members joining and discussing 2022 achievements.

Python Online Training Singapore.

Recently I had conducted online Python training for IT staff at Singapore.
Following topics covered at the training.

For Training Requirement Contact-

Sri Lanka

+94 0716092918

+65 86738158

Machine Learning and Game Development Workshops.

Machine Learning and Game Development Workshops sri lanka

Machine Learning and Game Development Workshops sri lanka

Recently I did 2 workshop on Game Development and Machine Learning at Sabaragamuwa University and SLIIT.

Machine Learning and Game Development Workshops sri lanka

Online IT Academy.


New way of learning for IT.

#AI #Mobile #Blockchain #Cloud #DevOps #BI #ICT #Games
#Office #Networking #Linux #Web #Infrastructure #Programming
#CyberSecurity #UX #VR

Introduction to F# Programming.

Introduction to F# Programming.

F# (pronounced “F Sharp”) is a strongly-typed, functional-first programming language for writing simple code to solve complex problems. From the business perspective, the primary role of F# is to reduce the time-to-deployment for analytical software components in the modern enterprise. Its interoperability with all .NET languages and libraries and its ability to tackle the complexity of components such as calculation engines and data-rich analytical services offer a compelling story for businesses.

Introduction to F# Programming.

Hello World

let helloWorld = "Hello" + " " + "world"


Random Numbers

let number = (new System.Random()).Next()


Simple function

/// A function to compute a sample curve

let sampleFunction (x:int) =

2*x*x – 5*x + 3

sampleFunction (7 + 4)

If-else condition

if 98.0 < 100.0 then 10 else 20

not false && (true || false)


Introduction to F# Programming.

Basic I/O

Introduction to F# Programming.