AI Summit – Nuwaraeliya

It’s a wrap. Bluechip Technologies Asia has successfully organized an outstanding AI Summit in Nuwaraeliya, Sri Lanka! It was an extraordinary opportunity to delve into the transformative power of AI across three vital sectors: Tea, Tourism, and Real Estate.

☕ Tea Industry: The summit explored groundbreaking AI applications revolutionizing every aspect of tea production, from cultivation techniques to supply chain optimization. Sri Lanka’s rich tea heritage is set to thrive with these innovative advancements.

️ Tourism Sector: We delved into how AI is reshaping the tourism landscape, from personalized experiences to sustainable practices. Nuwaraeliya’s stunning attractions will become even more accessible and enriching with AI-driven insights.

Real Estate Market: Attendees gained invaluable insights into AI’s impact on property valuation, market trends, and customer engagement strategies. With AI at the helm, Nuwaraeliya’s real estate sector is poised for unprecedented growth and innovation.

Hats off to the incredible team at Bluechip Technologies Asia and Navodya Jayasundara for spearheading this monumental event and bringing together industry leaders, innovators, and visionaries. Together, we’re paving the way for a brighter future in Nuwaraeliya and beyond. Let’s continue harnessing the power of AI to drive positive change and innovation!



Reinforcement Learning session at Smart Data Forum

Reinforcement Learning is transforming industries and reshaping how machines learn from their environment. Join me as we delve into key concepts, real-world applications, and the future of this cutting-edge technology.




Bluechip technologies Asia Annual Tech 101 Summit




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Tech 101 at Bluechip Technologies Asia


2022 Event

Bluechip Technologies Asia Year end Monthly meeting

year end meeting

Year end meetup at Bluechip Technologies Asia. With team of 45 members joining and discussing 2022 achievements.

Xamarin Training at Philippines and Singapore

We have recently completed Xamarin Mobile Application Development training for Philippines and Singapore companies.

xamarin philipines

day 1 evening

Python Online Training Singapore.

Recently I had conducted online Python training for IT staff at Singapore.
Following topics covered at the training.

For Training Requirement Contact-

Sri Lanka

+94 0716092918

+65 86738158

Machine Learning and Game Development Workshops.

Machine Learning and Game Development Workshops sri lanka

Machine Learning and Game Development Workshops sri lanka

Recently I did 2 workshop on Game Development and Machine Learning at Sabaragamuwa University and SLIIT.

Machine Learning and Game Development Workshops sri lanka

React Native Fundamentals Online Course

React Native Fundamentals Online Course

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook, Inc. It is used to develop applications for Android, Android TV, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Web, Windows and UWP by enabling developers to use React’s framework along with native platform capabilities

Enroll free for latest react native online course.

NASA Space Apps Challenge 2020.

NASA Space Apps Challenge 2020

NASA is inviting coders, entrepreneurs, scientists, designers, storytellers, makers, builders, artists, and technologists to come together in a global, virtual hackathon. During a period of 48 hours, participants from around the world will come together to create virtual teams and solve challenges using NASA’s open-source data.

We are proud and thrilled to announce ‘NASA Space Apps Colombo, 2020’, which is the very first international hackathon event in Sri Lanka, in line with NASA’s guidelines and direct collaboration. The event is organised by SEDS Sri Lanka, which is the international body that strives to promote space exploration and development via educational and engineering projects.

NASA Space Apps Challenge 2020

Official Web -