AI Summit – Nuwaraeliya

It’s a wrap. Bluechip Technologies Asia has successfully organized an outstanding AI Summit in Nuwaraeliya, Sri Lanka! It was an extraordinary opportunity to delve into the transformative power of AI across three vital sectors: Tea, Tourism, and Real Estate.

☕ Tea Industry: The summit explored groundbreaking AI applications revolutionizing every aspect of tea production, from cultivation techniques to supply chain optimization. Sri Lanka’s rich tea heritage is set to thrive with these innovative advancements.

️ Tourism Sector: We delved into how AI is reshaping the tourism landscape, from personalized experiences to sustainable practices. Nuwaraeliya’s stunning attractions will become even more accessible and enriching with AI-driven insights.

Real Estate Market: Attendees gained invaluable insights into AI’s impact on property valuation, market trends, and customer engagement strategies. With AI at the helm, Nuwaraeliya’s real estate sector is poised for unprecedented growth and innovation.

Hats off to the incredible team at Bluechip Technologies Asia and Navodya Jayasundara for spearheading this monumental event and bringing together industry leaders, innovators, and visionaries. Together, we’re paving the way for a brighter future in Nuwaraeliya and beyond. Let’s continue harnessing the power of AI to drive positive change and innovation!



Bluechip Technologies Asia at Seamless Asia Singapore

We are thrilled to announce that Bluechip Technologies Asia will be showcasing its cutting-edge AI technology innovations at Seamless Asia Singapore!

Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with our team, explore our AI demos, and engage in insightful discussions about the future of technology. Together, let’s shape a smarter and more connected world.



Microsoft Azure Developer Training at IBM Philippines


Recently I did Microsoft Azure developer training for IBM Philippines staff . I covered following topics during the training.


For Training Requirement Contact-

Sri Lanka

+94 0716092918

+65 86738158

Docker for Azure & DevOps Online Meetup.

docker training sri lanka

With Docker has gained immense popularity in the IT industry because of the extent of application and usage flexibility it can offer. Let’s learn..

· Introduction to Docker
· Creating Images
· Azure Container Registry
· ACR with DevOps

Online IT Academy.


New way of learning for IT.

#AI #Mobile #Blockchain #Cloud #DevOps #BI #ICT #Games
#Office #Networking #Linux #Web #Infrastructure #Programming
#CyberSecurity #UX #VR

Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-300) Online Singapore Training.

Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-300) Online Singapore Training.

Recently I had conducted Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-300) online training. Following topics covered at the training.

Deploying and Configuring Infrastructure
Implementing Workloads and Security
Understanding Cloud Architect Technology Solutions
Creating and Deploying Apps
Developing for the Cloud

Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-300) Online Singapore Training.

Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-300) Online Singapore Training.

Around 20 participants attended the training.

For Training Requirement Contact-

Sri Lanka

+94 0716092918

+65 86738158

Microsoft Azure DevOps Training at Yangon , Myanmar .


Microsoft Azure DevOps Training at YangonMicrosoft Azure DevOps Training at Yangon

Recently I did Microsoft Azure DevOps Training at  Yangon , Myanmar .

I covered following topics at the training.

Introduce Azure DevOps with key features.

Agile and azure boards  with hands on labs.

Git with azure repos using both Visual studio and VS code.

Azure artefact with building and deploying class library.

Introduce Azure test plans to build test cases

Setup build pipeline using project and deploy to azure container service.

Setup azure pipeline using app service to push azure container repository.

Setup Azure Kubernetes Service using Azure DevOps.

Microsoft Azure DevOps Training at Yangon

Microsoft Azure DevOps Training at Yangon

Microsoft Azure DevOps Training at Yangon

20 IT Staff members attended 2 Days of Devops with Micro services training.

Getting started with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

Azure Kubernetes Service

Kubernetes allows you to build your applications with your preferred programming language, OS, libraries, or messaging bus. Existing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools can integrate with Kubernetes to schedule and deploy releases.

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) provides a managed Kubernetes service that reduces the complexity for deployment and core management tasks, including coordinating upgrades. The AKS control plane is managed by the Azure platform, and you only pay for the AKS nodes that run your applications

Kubernetes cluster architecture

A Kubernetes cluster is divided into two components:

· Control plane nodes provide the core Kubernetes services and orchestration of application workloads.

· Nodes run your application workloads.

Azure Kubernetes Service

You can create AKS using Azure portal or CLI tools. Azure portal option is beginner friendly. First you can go into azure portal and select containers. Then select Kubernetes Service.

Azure Kubernetes Service

Then it will direct into Create Kubernetes Cluster window. In that you can select new resource group and give cluster name. Also you can select preferred Kubernetes version. Afterward you can select Review+ create to build AKS.

Azure Kubernetes Service

Azure also supports creating AKS using CLI. For that you can use following commands.

az group create –name myResourceGroup –location eastus

az aks create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster

 --node-count 1 --enable-addons monitoring --generate-ssh-keys

Once AKS created you can view using portal or commands line.

Azure Kubernetes Service

Since Azure manage things like networking, scaling, monitoring we can only focus on deploying applications.

Azure Kubernetes Service

Auto Scaling

Azure Kubernetes Service


Once application deployed it can be viewed using command line or dashboard. Next tutorial we will discuss deploying application to Kubernetes cluster. You can launch AKS dashboard using following command.

az aks browse –resource-group myResourceGroup –name myAKSCluster

Azure Kubernetes Service

Azure Kubernetes Service

After application deployment you can go to services in look for public IP address to launch web site.

Azure Kubernetes Service